August 24, 2024 Bulletin

Greetings and Sunset

August 24th Errol & Rose Campbell

September 7th Ashleigh Gumbo & Olga Bezukh

Sabbath Farewell 

(tonight) – 8:41 pm

Pianist…………….. Marissa Turner

Organist …………. 


Praise from the church 10:00 – 10:15 AM

Gordon & Co.  

Sabbath School 10:15 – 11:10 AM

  • Welcome & Prayer – Franklyn Wright

  • Mission Spotlight – From the AV Booth 

  • Lesson Review – Class #1 - Liela Elias

                                         Class #2 - Errol Campbell

Worship Service 11:15 AM

Announcements .……..……….............

Elder Glenn Knopp

Welcome and Prayer .......................

Elder Glenn Knopp

Praise Time …………………………………..

Marissa Turner

Opening Hymn ……………………………..

#15 (My Maker and My King)

Tithe & Offering .……………………………

Dr. Josue Kayijaho

Praise, Petition & Prayer ………………..

Elder Glenn Knopp

Kid’s Feature ………………………………….

Liela Elias

Scripture …….…(Luke 8:11-15)……..…


Sermon ..(Bumper Crop, Abundant Harvest and Soil Enhancement)...................

Pastor Ken Wiebe

Closing Hymn  ……………………………….

#308 (Holy Thine)

Appeal & Closing Prayer…………………

Pastor Ken Wiebe



Prayer meetings continue every Wednesday @ 7:30 pm. Please use the following Zoom link to join: Meeting ID: 940 9792 6101. Passcode: 840735. Dial in Phone number: 1 780 666 0144 


Weekly SS and church services will continue to be broadcast each Saturday at 10:00 am via Zoom. Meeting ID: 938 1903 6851  Passcode: 545436. Dial in Phone number: 1 780 666 0144 


Coralwood Adventist Academy in Edmonton, is requesting financial aid to assist a Grade 6 student for the 2024-2025 school year in the amount of $2830.00.  If you are willing and able to contribute to this request, please mark your tithe envelope 'Coralwood Student Aid.' Thank you.


Cemetery upkeep: The cemetery will be dressed tomorrow at 10 AM and voluntary assistance is needed with cutting the grass. Donations are needed towards allocating a lawn mower for the cemetery and is greatly appreciated. 


Pathfinder registration will be September 5th at 7pm in Leduc church. Please note both pathfinder and at least 1 parent must be at registration. Along with registration we will have a short meeting to discuss expectations and camp equipment. We are excited to see everyone!


Our Family Closet (OFC)

Our Family Closet will remain open to you throughout the summer months as a place where we can share the best of what we have! The OFC location is directly beside the pastor's office near the emergency exit. Help us to keep this area neat and clutter free.  Feel free to take anything you will use. Donations may be hung neatly on the rack. 

Sara Ferster is going as a student missionary to the Marshall Islands for the next school year. She has to pay her own flights, which come to approximately $4800.  If you would like to help sponsor her, please give your donation to her grandma, Billie Jean Ferster or E-transfer to Sara at  These donations do not qualify for a charitable tax receipt. Please keep Sara in your prayers during her venture.